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How to Breed your Lovebird

If you want to breed your lovebirds then you should be totally committed to providing your birds all the essential nutrients. And if you meet all the requirements that are necessary for them then breeding these beautiful birds is pretty easy. Before you breed a pair of lovebirds you need to learn about lovebirds. Lovebirds are very social birds and they like to remain in the company of other lovebirds. Lovebirds are monogamous for life; which means that they remain paired with the same companion bird during their lifetime. If you later separate the mates, these birds can exhibit unpredictable behavior. Getting a little knowledge about lovebirds beforehand will help you decide if you truly want to breed your lovebirds. 

Provide a proper breeding cage for your lovebirds where they can be comfortable and feel at ease. The minimum cage size for a pair of breeding lovebirds in 18*18*18 inches with bar spacing of no more than 3/4 inches apart. Attach a breeding box to the cage and at least two perches to have sufficient exercise. Put nesting material in the cage for them to make the nest. Clean the cage and food and water dishes regularly to keep them healthy and fit for breeding.
Find a pair of lovebirds that is in excellent condition and select the right species to make a pair. In most species of lovebirds the sex of a lovebird is not easy identifiable from their appearance which makes their breeding a bit complicated task. Determine the sex of your lovebirds to make sure you have a confirm male and female. If you are not sure about their gender go for a DNA test which is by far the most accurate method of determining lovebirds sex.
Watch the breeding signs which will tell you if your pair is ready for breeding. The pair will usually start entering the nest and collect the nesting material before the female lays the eggs. Watch them if they are mating and preening each other. These signals will tell you that your lovebirds are going to breed soon.
Breeding lovebirds need an extra nutritious diet because of the stress breeding put on their  bodies. Seed only diet do not provide them with all the vitamins and nutrients they need to raise powerful offsprings. Provide them a mixture of seeds, nuts, fresh fruits and vegatables as well as vitamins and cuttlebone for minerals and calcium.
The female usually lays her first egg ten days after mating. The female usually lays between 4 to 6 eggs on alternative days and starts to brood the eggs after the second or third egg is laid. After 10 days you can check if the eggs are fertile or not. Handle the eggs against a source of light and if you can see a membrane then it is a sure signal that the eggs are fertile. After 23 days of brooding the first chick is hatched.
The female usually feed the babies until they are full grown up and ready to fledge at about six weks of age. The chicks are fully weaned eight weeks after hatching. Provide them with as nutritious diet as possible to have a healthy clutch of babies.

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