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How to breed zebra finch

Friends, many people and articles tells breeding of zebra finch is too tough. Its totally wrong. Only you have to know about the need of the bird for breeding. If you can provide everything correctly then you can realize that it is a better breeder than budgies. Friends i am going to tell you 10 points.

1. Patience - friends keep patience

Give them time they can start breeding in two days or in two months. They can damage eggs or can throw them off the nest in the starting. So, keep patience, when the first baby comes out then your worry would be finished after that every eggs would be hatched.

2. One pair - a male and a female

Always buy a healthy pair.

3. Buy adult pair

Try to buy finches older than 6 months. Finches generally start to give fertile eggs after 6 months. Adult male have red patches on cheek adult females have no red parches on cheek and generally beak is less red than male.

4. Give a minimum 18''/18'' cage

They love to fly they don't like to breed in a small place.

5. Give nest basket

Give nest basket within 7 days. If your luck favors then they can start breeding within 10 days.

6. Nest material

Give coconut fiber as nest material.

7. Proper food

Egg food is must once in week for breeding. Give liquid vitamin in water. Veggies, sprouted seeds.

8. Give cuttlebone and grit

Cuttlebone is rich source of calcium and very much needed for egg binding. Give sand as grit.

9. Don't disturb at brooding time

There should be no disturbance when eggs has been laid.

10. Keep them in a safe place

There should no predators like cats, dogs or rats around them being feared they can leave eggs.

Hope if you can follow these points then you will become a successful finch breeder.

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