What means by diet?
Diet means complete nutritious foods that makes your bird healthy, helps them in breeding and keeps them disease free. Finches consume variety of veggies, fruits and seeds. You can't get all of them from market and some of them also very expensive. So, i am telling you some names of each segments. They are full vitA, D, E, K and fibres, antioxidants, iron and micro and macro elements. If you can give these foods through out the year then your finch will become a super finch.
Seed mix
I prefer a mix of grass seeds, flax seeds and millets. A mixture of grass seeds-50% flax seeds-25% and millets-25% this mixture contains high amount of VitA, D, E and high amount of fibre. Calcium, vit E. ANTI OXIDANTS. Flex seeds is a unique source of antioxidants that helps your finch to fight diseases. It also contains high amount of vitamin E very necessary for breeding. High fibre in this mixture also provides your bird a clear gut. So, use this mixture.
Leafy greens
I am giving you 5 greens that you can find through the year and are cheap also lettuce- contains high fibre, vitamin A, C, E. Iron, phosphrous. Its also very favourite to finches. Spinach- contains vitamin A, D, E, K, C. Iron, fibre, phosphorus, potassium. Excellent for all birds but in summer give it less to your finch. Water spinach- contains Vitamin A, B, C. Iron, potassium selenium. It provides a great source of iron to your birds. Parsley- contains Vitamin K, A, C. Fibre, magnessium and zinc. Zinc provides immunity to your birds. Amaranth- source of vitamin A, C, iron, b12, carbohydrade. Get this greens and provide to your finches through the year.
Tomato- contains vitamin A, C, D. Calcium, iron, and most potent antioxidants. Carrots- contain vitamin A, D, C, B12, megnesium, potassium, sodium. Carrot is one of the most potent source of vitamin A. Zuccini- contains high fibre. Vit A, D. sodium, potasium calcium. Finches love to have it. Broccoli- contains vitamin A, E, D, C, B12, potassium, fibre, magnesium and high anti oxidants. Finches love this veggie. Chopped cabbage- contains vitamin A, D, C, manganese, sodium, iron and about 30% of fibre. Remember always provide your finch fresh and well cleaned veggies.
In case of fruits finches are very less concerned may be in wild they eat some different fruits. I have managed only three fruits in this years to make favourite to them. In starting they may not be eating fruits but you have to try. Once they start to take it then you have nothing to worry further. I am giving you three fruits. Apple- contains vitamin A, C, D calcium, and extreme amount of fibre. Grapes- contains high amount of antioxidants, boosts super immunity to your birds also contains vitamin A, D, sodium potassium and iron. Oranges- contains vitamin C, A. magnesium and fibre you can also try this fruits.
Cuttle bone
Always keep a cuttle bone to your finch cage high source of calcium finches need this. Calcium is very necessary for eggbinding.
Egg food
Must give it once a week but in summer give twice a month. Eggfood is very essential for breeding.
Give probiotics to your finches with food or with water. Very essential to boost immunity.